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Sara Jane

Plants Need Companions Too

Friends and Foes in the Garden? Who knew! Plants need companions too, and Alameda can

show you how to harmonize! Companion planting is a tried and tested way of reducing pests

organically, improving soil fertility, and attracting pollinators. On the flip side, planting the wrong

plants together can really hinder your crops. Here’s a few companion favorites and their friends

and foes. Basil: This great friend to tomatoes repels the dreaded hornworm! It also repels thrips and egg

laying armyworms. Foes are other herbs like rue and rosemary.

Borage: Friend to almost everything but loves strawberries by enhancing their vigor and taste! It

repels squash bugs, Hornworms, and cabbage worms. Foes are root veggies. Nasturtium: Great Friend to squash! Repels squash bugs, whitefly, and cabbage loopers. Foes

are Potatoes. Other great plants to companion around the garden are Marigolds, Alyssum, Dill, Calendula and

Garlic. These attract beneficial predators like tiny parasitizing wasps, Hoverflies and Ladybugs.

Not to forget the bees and butterflies!

It can be fun to find what works together and what doesn’t however always remember; Correct

spacing, sun, correct watering and good soil management are the best companions your plants

can have!

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